Sunday, February 26, 2017

My Quiet, Private Way

I've been doing a lot of journaling and intense "brain dumping" in the last three weeks. And let me tell you, it's done a heck of a lot of good for me.

I realize I can't help everyone. I can't help every single person. It is impossible to please everyone, and I tend to be a people-pleaser. But here's what's going on.

Recently I've been reading more about my personality type. For around a year I've known I was an INFJ - Introvert, INtuition, Feeling, Judgment. (Judgment would be more about self-judgment in this case.) And it's true I have trouble adjusting to major changes or suddenly stressful situations.

So I've decided to reduce my stress by easing up on things.

I am learning new skills so I can create my products and work more independently and not need to depend on anyone else. I am learning how to use certain software and utilize techniques to facilitate independent creative work. I am not going to depend on someone else's schedule or agenda because I can do with less conflict.

Already I have mentioned I'm gearing up to be an authorpreneur. My workaholic tendencies can sometimes get the better of me, but I'd rather have that than a boss. I'm not accepting any client work now, not for at least another long while. When I know better what I can do, I can consider working for others, but I otherwise have only done excellent audio transcription as a freelancer and I'd now charge more for it than before, because my time is very valuable.

I am happier when I do entrepreneurial tasks that are congruent to who I am, what I like and what energizes me. So if I want to make journal books too, then I'll do that. I can still help more people without feeling like I'm worthless just because I don't do "real" work or have a "conventional" job. I will be helping others but in my more private, quiet way.

I apologize if this blog post feels somewhat of a mess. But I felt I had to update you and my other readers about what's going on, and it's not even everything. I'm taking a bit of time off to figure some things out and write some ideas out. It's very necessary... and right now I shouldn't deny myself this important period of healing and reflection.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Re-reading a favorite book

About a year ago I came across a book that I had the chance to get as a free eBook.

By then I've read plenty of self-help books (or started reading them), but none have made an impact on my life as huge as this one. It's an essential read for today's young writers, authors, artists, coaches, any entrepreneurs of all ages. Even high school students will find it very useful.

It's Peter Voogd's book 6 Months to 6 Figures.

Before then, I read the book The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. It focuses on discipline to make smarter choices for a better and healthier future. I enjoyed reading that, but there was something missing.

Then an author whose newsletter I subscribed to recommended 6 Months to 6 Figures to her readers because it changed her life.

At first I was skeptical about the title. I had a bad attitude about money or even wanting more  money. But the truth is, everyone wants to be successful...

And there's nothing wrong with wanting to make more money to do that.

One of the biggest things I learned reading 6 Months to 6 Figures:

Stop doing what you don't want to do. If it doesn't give you any value, if it doesn't allow you to help others the way you do best, then don't do it anymore.

For some of you, it may be easy, and for more, it's harder than others to leave a job you don't like.

But that's the thing. Not everyone is a good fit for a conventional job. If it would do more harm than good to have a "real" job, you should be doing something meaningful.

And I mean something meaningful to YOU.

For me, that's writing and creating. I write better than I speak, so if writing is what I do best, I'm sticking with that. I can help more people this way. And I have to do it in my own element: a quiet room, alone. I am easily overstimulated and easily get distracted, so working at a store or office would visibly deteriorate my health.

I have to think about what's best for me, before I can properly help others.

Now, Peter Voogd's book 6 Months to 6 Figures is a #1 bestseller, and it's a bestseller for a reason. Times have changed. The old rules about work that have been around for decades don't apply anymore.

I'm re-reading this book, not only because it requires more than one reading, but because I find comfort knowing I don't have to "fit in" to be successful.

Unfortunately the eBook isn't free now. But Peter Voogd does have a FREE 4-part video training series coming up soon. It's called 30 Days to Your First $1k. Peter will teach you how to to generate your first $1,000 in just 30 days. And you'll get the gist of what his book is about, and more.

Click here to grab your spot. Or you can click on the image below to learn more.

This free video series will be available only for a very limited time, so don't wait! I hope Peter's video series convinces you to see things differently.

Happy viewing! :)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Readers, quick question...

If you’ve ever struggled to start your own business, write your first book, get your first customer or get any real traction as an entrepreneur, you should check this out… 

Peter Voogd, the #1 bestselling author of 6 Months to 6 Figures, is about to release his new 4-part video training, 30 Days to Your First $1k.

Right now you can get it FREE... but only for a limited time.

Click here to find out more and secure your spot.

You don't need to have a business idea or entrepreneurial experience to sign up. You can PLAN to start a business. You can imagine yourself starting one.

Imagine having a few streams of income. Wouldn't that be something?

You need a clear-cut, no B.S. road map to starting your own business. And in this new training series, Peter Voogd is going to show you exactly how to generate your first $1,000 in just 30 days.

If you're not familiar with Peter, he’s the #1 bestselling author of 6 Months to 6 Figures (now over 100,000 copies sold). And over the past few years he’s built multiple different 6-figure companies using the simple approach he is going to share with you.

Get all the details about 30 Days to Your First $1k by clicking here.

Oh, and the quick question: Are you ready to break the mold?

Happy training!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Hooking you up...

Hello my dear readers,

Remember the new thing I'm excited about for 2017? The "something new" I've been working on?

I'm going to be an "authorpreneur." That's being an author and an entrepreneur at the same time.

I love writing, but within that area I am passionate about journal writing. So besides the eBooks I write, I want to make it easier for people to add it into their lives.

I want to spread my message about the benefits of personal journaling with, and not just with my eBooks. But I will talk about that another time.

I understand many of you want more money on the side too. And it's best to make money where you have a strong passion, rather than where other people tell you.

That's what I'm trying to do. Peter Voogd helped me gain clarity about this in his book 6 Months to 6 Figures.

This book has been called “a must read for entrepreneurs." It has sold over 100,000 copies around the world, and it's no wonder...

So many people today want more financial freedom and success.

And you don't even have to be an entrepreneur NOW to read this book. You can PLAN on being an entrepreneur.

Just imagine... being more productive, having more time, making more money with less work. Imagine doing what truly matters to you and what fulfills you in life and your career.

Imagine the freedom this would bring you.

I read 6 Months to 6 Figures last year, and it changed my life. I improved my own productivity and my chances for success. I gained more confidence. I valued my time more.

Hey, I was even able to publish my first book!

I don't even recognize myself from over 12 months ago. And in a way, that's a good thing.

I want you to have the same opportunity to change your life. I want Peter Voogd to help you too.

And you can start by grabbing your free copy of his book 6 Months to 6 Figures eBook today.

But hurry, because Peter is allowing this only for a limited time. And for those who get their free copy, you'll also secure access to his brand-new 4-part video training series, 30 Days to Your First $1k.

I wouldn't wait if I were you. Click here now to claim your free copy or to learn more.

Happy reading!
